Sunday, August 2, 2009

New CFD Peers Join Our Team!

The Charleston Firefighter Support Team is pleased to announce the addition of an internal Peer Support Team comprised of members of the department who have attended special training to be peer counselors in the department. They are available to members of the department and their families who feel comfortable in reaching out to them in time of need. The peers will work closely with the full-time clinicians and peer counselors currently assigned to the Charleston Firefighter Support Team. They will make station visits, be available by phone, and will participate in all of the outreach programs now offered by the Support Team. In time of need, they will also be called upon to respond to other departments who may experience a serious injury or line-of-duty death of another firefighter. They are following in the footsteps of our friends and brothers from the FDNY who have contributed so much to our program as peers during the last two years.

Our peers represent all positions in the rank structure of the department and have given much time and effort to become a member of our Team. We will post a call list in each station at the beginning of each month with the names and phone numbers of the peers on the call list for that given month. Department personnel are urged to contact anyone on the list that they choose if needed.

The current Peer Team members are Robbie Baldwin, George Gardiner, Johnny Hackett, Bill Haigler, Ryan Hall, Abby Horrex, Joe Johnston, Bryan Kleskie, Frank Marker, John Poston, Johnny Rogers, Pete Salvo, Jason Williamson, John Winn, Sr. and Art Wittner.

We appreciate the efforts made by these individuals in becoming a part of our Team and look forward to working with them.

It is important to remember that members can continue to contact the Charleston Firefighter Support Team office at our twenty-four hour, seven days a week help line at (843) 609-7013 if they would like to speak to the on-call clinician for assistance or to make an appointment.

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