Saturday, October 9, 2010

An Amazing Week!

This has been an amazing week for our Team.  We have been able to participate in  many outstanding Fire Prevention Week activities and we have made many new friends. Today, we completed it by attending the wedding of Jen Poston, daughter of CFD Battalion Chief and our Team Peer Counselor John Poston. As the wedding ceremony was beginning this afternoon in a beautiful setting at the Wide Awake Plantation, I was maneuvering around to get a photo of Chief Poston and Jen as he walked her down the aisle.  As I looked at them through the viewfinder of my camera phone, I was taken back several years ago when Jen was battling a serious illness and we had gathered together at Station 13 to serve barbecue to raise funds to help offset her medical bills.  While we all had a good time that day, her health and her future were certainly on our minds.  Today, it became apparent to me what we mean when we speak or write of the CFD family.  We do function as a family, sometimes arguing and experiencing frustrations, but we also share in each other’s accomplishments and good times.  We appreciate your allowing us to be a part of the everyday life of the CFD as we move into the future.  We have a saying on our Team that our hope is that we make people feel better about themselves.  Thank you for returning that favor.

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