Sunday, July 26, 2009

"Chariots of Fire" Now Available!

During the SC Firefighters' Fire-Rescue Conference in Myrtle Beach this month, many of you asked us for a copy of the "Chariots of Fire" mural that appears on the rear wing of the "Never Forget" Camaro.

The mural depicts five generations of Charleston fire engines, featuring a 1882 steamer fire engine and Engine 6, now running out of the Cannon Street fire house. The mural emphasizes our Team's theme, "Memories of the Past, Visions of the Future", which is intended to honor the Charleston 9 and all of our retired firefighters who dedicated their lives to serving the citizens of our community and to recognize the contributions of our current firefighters who are the future of our department.

Prints of the mural are now available, 9" by 25", printed on high quality paper and suitable for framing, by contacting Gerald Mishoe at or by calling (843) 609-8300. The cost of the print, including shipping, is $ 25.00. All proceeds from the sale of these prints will go to the "Raising Engine 11" project.

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