Saturday, January 30, 2010

Intruder Encounters a "Little" Trouble!

I have written here several times about my friends I share breakfast with at Ms. Eva's on Main Street in Summerville.  "Mr. Henry" is one of the guys that always has a good story to tell.  Mr. Henry is in his early nineties and having lost his wife last year, he lives by himself in Summerville.  It seems that one day, week before last, Mr. Henry heard a noise on his front porch early one morning and, as he went to the door to check out the noise, an intruder kicked in the door with the obvious intent of robbing him.  In addition to collecting old tin fire trucks, Mr. Henry apparently collects guns and the young fellow didn't count on Mr. Henry and his 32 caliber pistol.  As Mr. Henry blazed away, the would-be burglar turned tail and ran for high ground leaving Mr. Henry with his pride, his broken down door, and his door frame full of bullet holes.  You know how the song goes, "Don't tug on Superman's cape", don't spit into the wind, don't take the mask off the ole Lone Ranger and don't mess around with Jim" or Henry either!!.

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