Monday, August 23, 2010

Team to Host Hurricane Preparedness Workshop!

In the past three years, a large number of people have joined the CFD family. These new firefighters and their families have come from all over the United States and many of them have never lived near the coast or through a hurricane. With that in mind, our Team is sponsoring a Hurricane Preparedness Workshop for the CFD family to be held on Wednesday, September 15, beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the conference room of the Charleston Dorchester Mental Health Center located at 2100 Charlie Hall Blvd., West of the Ashley. Many topics will be discussed including preparing your homes, supplies that you may need, evacuation routes, shelter availability and living in a community damaged by a storm. There will also be a question and answer period to address any concerns that you may have.

While our target group is our new families, it is important for all of you to take advantage of this important meeting. Sharing of experiences by those of you who have been here during a storm will be invaluable to our new families. Secondly, it has been twenty-one years since Hurricane Hugo changed the face of Charleston and our lives and many of you who experienced it were children at the time. 

Please come out and join us for an informative evening.

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