Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Team Training Held Today!

CFD members George Gardiner, Bryan Kleskie and Pete Salvo join Team Clinician Amanda Custer  in class discussion.

Today, we held an all day training session for our Peer Counselors on the Charleston Firefighter Support Team.  Our Team clinicians, Chris Wells, Amanda Custer, and Sarah Braswell each presented some excellent information and they were joined by Doug Farmer of the Coastal Crisis Chaplaincy and Esther Hennessy of the Mobile Crisis Unit of the Charleston Dorchester Mental Health Center in making it a productive day.  We enjoyed all of the information shared and spirited discussion created by all.  Special thanks to the Peer Counselors in attendance who took time from their busy schedules to participate in the class.

1 comment:

shannon pennington said...

Stress Education Depression
and Suicide Prevention Information
is on the web at
add this to your resource list.
Also key search suicide and
depression symposium
conference held in baltimore
July 11 and 12 of 2011.
Shannon Pennington ex iaff
26 year career firefighter